Campus Alive

February 17, 2012

Standing On The Word

Filed under: Please Note — campusalive @ 10:55 pm

Hi, all! For the first time I was given the opportunity to write in our CA blog, feeling blessed but also in mixed feelings – it’s always a challenge for me to describe my thoughts and feelings clearly.   May God grant me wisdom, honesty and love.

Thank God that last CA was another amazing one. For this time, I was invited to serve as an usher. Arriving early, I came with some papers in my bag (academic work to-do), besides bible, as I began to feel worry about the upcoming A-level trials which is in the end of February. Yet, I believe that God will remove my worries when I get together with all the brothers and sisters. Recently, I just realized the importance of true fellowship.

Being able to be closer to each other, bringing relationships to the next level.

I realized that it is by supporting each other that the relationship will be strengthened. Brothers and sisters, share out your problems or struggles, if you do, and of course, always pray to God, and the Word of God will truly guide us and show us the right path.

As it is written in Phillippians 4:6-7, God reminded each and everyone of us: ‘Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Trustworthy is an important element in a person whom you will share it. To ourselves, be a trustworthy person, let the love of our Lord grow in us, so that we can really support each other, in prayers, in lending your ears, could be just simple as that.

Well, let’s come back to the topic. Initially, to some of them (our dear student drivers and other committee members), it might be discouraging when one look at the number of people just below our expectation. As for me, yes, number does matter as we always aim for a big gathering especially with non-Christian friends joining—to know God thru CA family and events. But, brothers and sisters, I always think that challenge that what we see with physical eyes is not what it really is. To see beyond, we need to ask God to open our spiritual eyes.  And also, time to remind ourselves, are we ready to be agent of God’s love for His people-regardless of physical appearance, race, and faith? In CA and everywhere else, we should be carrier of God’s love, right? I ask God to pardon my sin when I always find myself fall short of His glory—not giving of my best to the Master. Brothers and sisters, let us help one another, to grow to be a better follower of Christ. Read his words diligently, pray for a deeper understanding, and an open heart, and let his words alive in us.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind…” the first song in the worship again reminded me, or rather, prompted me with this question: ‘Have I loved the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind, ALL?  There is a small cardboard/banner laid in front of the stage—with the words written: Love God, Love People. Being judge mental is one weakness in myself which I have always been asking God to remove it, because that’s part of reason I find it hard to get along with people. I came to realise that I am sinful and imperfect, yet God still loves me. Well, with that, I think the same I should have done and continue doing to others right? In fact, I asked all brothers and sisters to come back to the basic- love. And let it be pure and simple, without selfish ambitions.

That night itself, Mr Phua delivered the message and shared some inspiring testimonies which I believe, it has spoken to hearts of many. He came to speak about Daniel, a man of good example on standing on God’s words. He challenged us to read the book of Daniel. Daniel, as described, was a man of purpose, a man of principle, a man of perseverance, a man of prayer. Mr Phua also shared the testimonies when he visits prisoners in jail, regularly. When one comes to know and accept God, miracles happen. A life was transformed into a new being, in Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord, God of Almighty. One more thing we can learn from the speaker is his willingness to serve the Lord even he is 66yrs old. I hope that young people including to myself, will be able to serve to the Lord from now on, until the day we’re called to meet Him.

Commitment has no age limit.

Shine on! Light of the world. We are His followers.


Shu Ying

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