Campus Alive

September 27, 2009

When We Struggle…

Filed under: Message,Sharing — campusalive @ 10:12 pm

A few days ago I was watching “Fireproof”, a movie about a man who struggles to save a burning marriage and discovers God’s love along the way (You all should go and get the movie!). There was a scene that struck me so much, as a guy, that it has changed my perspective of the very issue of pornography. I’m here to give a fresh insight, which I hope may help you.

In this scene, the main character is sitting at his desktop computer. His wife is away at work and not due to come home yet. He’s surfing some websites for vacations and boats, planning a getaway for the two of them I suppose, when suddenly a pop-up appears of a girl’s face and in large red letters, “Wanna See Me?” Our main character stares at it for a few seconds (relating here?), then looks away, then looks back, then looks at his wife’s photo next to the computer, then looks back AGAIN. He gets up, walks away, then turns around again. And looks at the icon. Should he click it? Then, with an exasperated sigh, he declares, “WHY IS THIS SO HARD?”

Indeed, why is it so hard, guys? I have to admit, that I myself struggled terribly with it before. And who doesn’t, when so much of our lives are filled with that three-letter word? Music, media, even our jokes are based on such a topic. Now, I’m sure you all have heard that we’re too abstain from sex before marriage, not to go beyond first base in our relationships, etc. But why do so many people fail? Why do even Christians fail?

For one thing, being a Christian doesn’t make you immune from temptations. In fact, sometimes more temptations come your way when the evil one wants to bring you down. So what is our solution? Here’s what happens in the movie.

In the next scene, the man is carrying his desktop and monitor out to the backyard. He sets it on a rubbish bin, and then, with a baseball bat, smashes his computer apart (much to the awestruck expressions of his neighbor).

Sometimes we have to root the problem out. Delete all those internet bookmarks, torrents, files and folders; whatever that you always go back to when you’re tempted or weak or bored. Get rid of them. But that’s not enough.

The third scene shows his wife coming back from work. She notices the computer is missing. But what is in its place? There is a vase of flowers and a card, saying “I love you more” alongside her picture (he didn’t smash that one up, if you’re wondering).

“I LOVE YOU MORE”. Guys, here’s what I got from the movie. Think of your future wife. Pornography is unrealistic and overblown. The more of it you get, the more dull you become. Are you going to compromise your future with her? Many years down the road, I want to tell my wife, that I left pornography a long time ago, because I want to love her so much more, and wouldn’t want anything to stand in between us. It’s a long way to marriage, but the promise starts now. I pray you’ll do the same.

Thoughts to Ponder:

Do we love God more, or pornography? Is it worth the few hours of viewing, and the few moments of pleasure, to do something that makes him angry and sad at us? Remember that He is a holy God, a God who doesn’t condone sin. In all of this, we really need His grace, because without it, we’re all fallen. It is by grace that we gain victory, because of what Jesus did when He bore our sins and made us righteous before God. Inside, we’re fighting a war.

But God sees you and me, as his children, and as it says in:

1 Corinthians 10:13 “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so you can endure.”

Further reading: Romans 7, 8

Intercessory Prayer

Filed under: Challenge,Message,Please Note,Sharing — campusalive @ 11:43 am

I do implore you to take some time to read this blog post. If you find it too troublesome, scroll until you reach the heading, The Challenge. Read that at least. :) This post is all about prayer, and if you’d like to find out more about prayer, you can check out the blog post about a CG session we did on prayer and read the brief notes and bible verses. Or you could ask any CA leader to help you out. :) Oh, and you could also comment on prayers that has changed your life. Sam has placed a wonderful comment on reaching out. Read that too. :D

We Begin With The Story

Have you ever felt that compelling urge to pray for someone? Have you ever felt the Holy Spirit tug at you gently, to go and just pray for that someone, who could be your father, mother, sister, brother, classmate, friend.

It’s a strange thing to do sometimes, when you don’t usually pray. Or when your own situation seems bleak, and you don’t want to pray for someone else. God help me first, you think. But God calls, and you listen and you answer.

Recently, I felt convicted by God to just pick up the phone and call someone, asking them, “Do you want me to pray for you?” It doesn’t matter if their problems are small or big, I just sat there, opening God’s work and knowing that although I do not know what to say, God will give me the words (Matthew 10: 19b – 20) and He will work in His way.

I nearly cried when the conversation ended, because though the words were simple, “For He is faithful, even when we are faithless. Though we stray, God, lead us back on the road to you. God, thank you. Help us.” It was powerful. It felt as though God had his hand on my back even as I spoke the words. It was at a time when even I felt low, but praying for that other someone, made me feel even more alive in Christ.

That even in my own troubles, I know that God works. He moves. There are times when prayer so powerful not only changes us, but it changes situation.

And this is where I begin talking about Intercessory Prayer.

What Is Intercessory Prayer

It’s when you begin to start praying for someone else’s needs. It’s a prayer for others. It is a prayer with the real intent for God to step in their lives and work in their lives. It is with the trust that God will act, even if its not in the manner or timing that we seek and expect. God wants us to ask, even urgently. It is casting our weakness before God’s strength, and (at its best) having a bit of God’s passion burn in us.

The Biblical Foundation of Intercessory Prayer

The Biblical basis for the New Testament believer’s ministry of intercessory prayer is our calling as priests unto God. The Word of God declares that we are a holy priesthood (1 Peter 2:5), a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9), and a kingdom of priests (Revelation 1:5).

The background for understanding this calling to priestly intercession is found in the Old Testament example of the Levitical priesthood. The priest’s responsibility was to stand before and between. He stood before God to minister to Him with sacrifices and offerings. The priests also stood between a righteous God and sinful man bringing them together at the place of the blood sacrifice.

Hebrews 7:11-19 explains the difference between the Old and New Testament ministries of the priest. The Old Testament Levitical priesthood was passed on from generation to generation through the descendants of the tribe of Levi. “The Melchizedek priesthood” spoken of in this passage, is the “new order” of spiritual priests of whom the Lord Jesus is the High Priest. It is passed on to us through His blood and our spiritual birth as new creatures in Christ.

Where To Go Now?

The biblical reference above is taken from a website. If you’d like to read more about Intercessory Prayer, this place is good to go. I’d like to emphasize on what’s said there as well. It doesn’t matter how well you phrase your words. It doesn’t matter if you’re more comfortable in another tongue. When you pray with all your heart, and allow the Holy Spirit to just speak on your behalf, when you earnestly seek the Lord as you pray, you’ll know that it’s just an amazing experience of experiencing His love all over again.

It is best to always be aware that you never really pray alone. For when the honest love in you for other people causes you to ask God to act to strengthen, heal, defend, change, or bless them, there is someone else praying with you: the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is leading you to pray.

The Challenge

And right now, I’d like to put this challenge up for you to step forward and be part of God’s work in this world.

Why don’t you just take that small time at night, after praying for yourself, or even in the morning, to seek Him. Earnestly ask God to lead you to that one person whom He wants you to touch. It could be someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. It could be a close friend of yours.

And listen to what He says. Perhaps you should give a call, or even just a simple sms. Your simple gesture can mean a whole lot when God’s guiding you every step of the way.

Take up that phone, and reach out to someone through prayer today.

P/S: I usually say to my non-believer friends, “I know this could be awkward, but I’d really like to pray for you. Are you willing to listen to me pray for you?” And when they say “Yes,” I know great things will happen in God’s timing.

On Another Note

I think that it is also true that when we pray for someone, it may not be what the situation calls for. For instance, you might be praying to lift a burden, but the Lord might be using the burden to prepare them to do something for God.

Then again, your prayer might be what God wants to happen. Thus, we are to pray listening for the Spirit, and pray that God’s will be done.

None of us are fully aligned with God’s purposes. There will always be a difference between the two. It’s okay to ask for what you want from the situation; that’s a part of being honest with God. You can pray that your request somehow be found in the divine purposes, and pray for doorways to a better way if it can’t be.

God may have other plans, and your part is to trust that God’s plans will be best.

God, in giving us all free will, said to us: “Your will be done.” Some of us turn back to him and say: “My will is that your will be done.” That is obedience to the first and greatest commandment. Then, when we do that, he turns to us and says: “And now, your will be done.” And then he writes the story of our lives with the pen strokes of our own free choices.

~ Peter Kreeft

September 23, 2009

Reflection #1

Filed under: Message,Please Note — campusalive @ 9:30 pm

Two Turtles

On my door, there’s a cartoon of two turtles. One says, “Sometimes I’d like to ask why He allows poverty, famine and injustice when He could do something about it.” The other turtle says, “I’m afraid God might ask me the same question.”

Those who have Jesus’ heart toward hurting people need to live out their faith by alleviating suffering where they can, by making a difference by embodying His love in practical ways.

~ Peter John Kreeft

Prayer – A Phone Call To God

Filed under: CG Notes — campusalive @ 9:25 pm

This is a session in CG that we did a while back. More specifically, during the 23rd of July. :)

The Power of Prayer

1. What is prayer?

Prayer is many things, touching heaven, calling upon God’s guidance, a lifestyle Jesus wants us to follow, speaking to Him constantly as you would to a friend and worshipping Him, by seeking only Him through prayer.

2. Why should I pray?

Surely, if God already knows our thoughts, and nothing is hidden from His sight, we don’t need to pray because He already knows my needs?

Matthew 7: 7 – 8, James 5: 15 – 19, 1 Chronicles 5: 18 – 20, Deuteronomy 4: 7, Romans 8: 26 – 27

3. Should I ever stop praying?

There are times when you’ve prayed so hard, fasted for days, and still that which you’ve prayed for does not come true. Why does this happen? Will you still continue to keep the faith even though you feel so terribly disappointed? Will you doubt God’s love?

2 Corinthians 12: 8 – 9, 1 Peter 3: 12, Luke 18: 1, Colossians 4: 2

Psalm 116: 2 Because he bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I have breath!

Psalm 32: 6 – 7

Therefore, let everyone who is godly
pray to you
while you may be found;
surely when the mighty waters
they will not reach him.
You are my hiding place,
You will protect me from trouble
And surround me with songs of deliverance.


Remember! It’s not just about praying as well. We also need to listen to Him.

Luke 6: 46 – 49, 1 Kings 19: 12, Psalm 17: 6, Psalm 18: 6, Psalm 102: 17, Isaiah 59: 1, 1 John 5: 14 – 15

Healing Hands

Filed under: CA Pictures,CA Reports — campusalive @ 9:09 pm

Hey once again! I’d like to thank the juniors once again for burning with the passion to serve Him! You guys are so alive! :D I know that this post is super long as well, but let’s nudge Cedric to post up the awesome pictures soon yes? XD Thank you once again for the wonderful feedback, sharing and love.

You juniors are made of awesome.

It was yet another wonderful, fantastic Thursday night indeed for Campus Alive! Due to the sudden heavy downpour, transports arrived a little later than usual and the programme only started half an hour later.

The welcoming team for the night did a marvellous job as everyone was showered with friendly smiles and warm handshakes as they entered. Albeit the raining of cats and dogs out there, the “ushers” (Sze Jia, Eileen, and Graham) was encouraging and we even had wonderful newcomers in our midst. Welcome! Welcome! We love to have you with us! Li Sia and Bryan, the MCs, got everyone warmed up with a cute ice-breaker. Three 20cent coins were “sent out” among us. As everyone go about greeting one another and shaking hands, we are required to exchanged identities and informations like name, programme, and the colour of our toothbrushes. Meanwhile, those with the coins will have to transfer it through handshakes to the next person he/she meets. Soon, the hall came alive with a huge lump of bustling INTEC students shaking hands while shouting their names, programmes, and toothbrush colors in the clamor. That was one powerful ice-breaker!

The ball was kept rolling as the game master, Carolynne, took over. She began by teaching us a cheeky dance-The Banana Split Dance. After getting familiar with the “moves” and actions of the dance, the real fun began. Each of us was given a number. The game was really simple, it was a variation of the classic Simon Says. Caroline will call out a single digit, and if our given number contains the single digit she called out, we will have to squat down quickly. However, this only applies to statements beginning with “Simon Says”. We had immense fun and were even bent over in laughter as some of us were “punished” to do the Banana Split dance, doing the “moves” and shaking their hips in the middle.


Next up was praise and worship session led by juniors Jan and Abigail, backed-up by Yen Mei, along with Philip as the drummer, Vincent as the guitarist, and Hannah as the keyboardist. A joyful atmosphere set in as we sang the first two praise songs “Always and Forever” and “You Are Good”, many were jumping to the beat, praising God. Praises smoothly segued into calm worship with the songs “Hosanna”, followed by “Shout To The Lord”. We were later led into a moment of free worship to enjoy the tangible presence of God in our midst.

Soon afterwards, we were introduced to the speaker for that night, Bro. David from ACTS church! After the “Yo!”s and “What’s up”s, he got us all warmed up before starting to share. The topic was on healing, both the physical and the inner healing. Bro. David shared about the importance of having faith in the living God who wants and CAN heal us, and challenged us to address the problem of our lack of faith and trust in God’s power. He encouraged us by giving examples of healing by faith found in the Bible-the healing of the woman with the issue of blood and the healing of the Roman centurion’s servant. Besides, the inner healing was also one of the main highlights. Bro. David shared his personal experience of a broken relationship which subsequently led him into a state of bitterness, unforgiveness, and hatred.


However, as his life began to seem bleak and hopeless, God intervened. Hence, he was able to let go of the past, forgive the person who hurt him so deeply and most importantly, he learnt to forgive himself. His testimony was indeed a great encouragement to us. Then, he asked us to write down on a piece of paper the names of people whom we have not forgiven, and also any secret sins that we were hiding. Next, we sang the bridge of the song “Hosanna” as our prayer to God to heal and cleanse our hearts. Many among us were set free and moved by God. Then Bro. David told us to tear the paper into pieces, and symbolically, we threw our unforgiveness, hatred, bitterness and past sins into the dustbin.

The time was then given back to the MCs, and Samantha came forward wih great news! The latest Campus Alive tees were out! And for sale for RM25 per shirt, available in two different colours-funky black and cool white. The tees were totally hot cakes because just right after CA ended, a crowd immediately swarmed to the sales counter and seniors in charge suddenly found themselves in a chaos. Supper or refreshment was great that night, (Thanks J-Cyn and her team!) we had beans soup and French toasts! Yummy!

Praise God for a wonderful Campus Alive! Thank God also for all who made themselves available to serve Him! To God be all the Glory!


When Abigail told me that we were going to have another CA that week, I was surprised since we had CA the week before. But honestly, I was happy because I like CA so much. For me, it is the only time for all of us to gather together as one family and forget about all the problems and the hectic life full of datelines, revisions, homework, presentations etc…

Miryam called me late on Wednesday night. She told me to take over her place to become the game master for CA because she could not make it. I was doing my bio report, which was due on Thursday—served me right for doing things at eleventh hour—and I told myself that, game can wait. Hahaha… Abigail offered to help and suggested some brilliant ideas. While busy typing out my bio report, I could not helped brainstorming about the game.


The next day, after done with the ALMEC Photography Challenge—I was in the organizer committee—and handed in my bio report, I was so relieved. For the whole week I was so busy, tired and not in a good mood -_-“ … that afternoon, I spent my time thinking about the best game for the night. I was a bit nervous too, since it was my first time handling the game or anything in CA. I surfed the net for games and some games did catch my attention but I was still not satisfied.

While in the van, on the way to Kota Kemuning, I was still thinking about the most suitable game. Somehow, on the way there, I finally made up my mind. I could feel that God guided and asked me to do it. He knew my ability and He knew I could make it. I did pray in my heart, asking for guidance and support since I was so blanked.

Luckily—mixed up with a bit nervousness—I finally made it. Thanks to Abigail and Jan for helping me out to demonstrate the dance and the game and also Jian Li, the keyboard-guy! I could not make it without you guys.

For me, the sermon that night from Brother David was so awesome. I learned a lot. I like the way he shared his experiences and his open-minded-ness… HEALING. That was exactly what I needed after the continuous weeks full of ups and downs, tests, heartbreaks, emotional imbalance etc… The week before, we had a lost in our family. Everything seemed to be happening at the same time. The sermon about healing really taught me about how God can cure us—physically, emotionally and in fact in everything—and I really felt that from the sermon, God showed us how much He loves us. After what had happened for the past few weeks, I was so down until I questioned Him… I asked Him, why now, why this, why that… now I realized that, He did that because He has plans for all of us and they are not for us to know—but for us to wait and see.


So guys, it is not our right to blame Him for anything that happen in our lives but instead, we should think back, thank Him and feel His love for every breath we take, for every person we that He blessed to love us in every second we have in this world.

The week before, I was caught by the message on the graphic I found in the net and was driven to use it as the wallpaper for my hand phone and my laptop. The message written was “If I can touch His shirt, I will be healed. Matt 9:21” Can you see the message? I bet I was not the only one that begged for healing. God sent Brother David to deliver the holy power of healing to all of us that present that night. Blessed are those that listened to His words. Amen.

Love, Carolynne


So CA was on again on the 17 September 2009. As usual we had our dinner first den everyone gathered in church and after very warm welcomes by the ushers, CA meeting officially started…our MCs of the day were Bryan and Li Sia.they got the crowd of about 70 people warmed up by a short icebreaker.

After that Carolynne led us to a game called ‘Simon’s Number’…it was quite hilarious watching those who got punished doing the ‘banana dance’…after some announcements, we proceeded to praise and worship…for this week, the whole team consists of juniors that was led by Jan Tie and Abigail…we had a great time of worship and I can really sensed the presence of the Holy Spirit there moving…even while a group of us were praying before CA meeting started..I believe the Holy Spirit was there preparing the hearts of the people.moving on, the speaker for this week was Brother David from ACTS church.

He preached on ‘HEALING’, both physical healing and inner (emotional) healing. I was really amazed by his openness and honesty. Sharing some of his deepest secret sins to many of us are brave enough to face the fact that we sinned and tell the whole world about it? Taking the risks that some will never look at him the same again. But I believe that he told his stories for a reason. The fact that he so bravely and openly talk about his past sins is because he knows that God has forgiven his sins and he has forgiven himself and the person that hurt him so badly.

He had a breakthrough! He was set free! And he wants us to know that it is possible to be healed both inwardly and outwardly by the grace and power of God! I believe he is a living testimony that Jesus indeed love us and He has forgiven us all our sins so that we may live victorious lives.not being defeated by hurts and secret sins we secretly hide deep inside our hearts..

He also spoke about is all it takes to be healed! It’s as simple as that, to believe that we WILL be healed! Even while he was speaking about healing and that God WANTS to heal us because he loves us and sharing with us a testimony about this boy in China who had that child like faith in him that eventually cause God to raise his parents from the dead!! When I heard it I had no words but just amazed by what God can do through us if only we had faith in Him!

I was really moved. I can feel the Spirit working in our midst and touching each and everyone of our hearts.Brother David then encouraged us to do something really practical.he ask us to write down our pass hurts, secret sins, the name of the person that we hate, people that we can’t forgive and also physical illnesses such as serious ones like cancer or even minor ones like a common skin allergy, eczema or anything at all that we want God to heal us from on a piece of paper without anyone looking to the left or right..

Then he prayed for us and he then asked us to tear the piece of paper that carried all our sins and shame, our pains and unforgiveness.he told us to tear and tear and tear as much as we want.and then to step out to throw the torn paper into the rubbish bin..It was really symbolizes that we do not want those things that are not of God anymore.we want to surrender it to God once and for all..To be free from this bondage forever! Some were even moved to tears. Me included.

I was so glad that God gave me and I believe everyone else this opportunity to release everything to Him. A chance to be healed. A chance to be free..I believe many responded to the message and were touched by the Spirit..I felt relieved and much peace in my heart knowing that Jesus loves me and he has forgiven all my sins and he has taken away all my hurts..

Thank you Jesus!! =D

Although there was no salvation on the night but I believe that the seed has been planted and that alone is already more than enough..We should not lose heart for there are some who will plant, some who will water and others who will harvest in due season..Maybe our job that night was just to plant..After the meaningful sermon..

Our CA leaders advertised our new CA t-shirt that is being sold for RM25.. After that we had some refreshments and fellowship…and soon we said our ‘byes and good nights’ and headed back to our respective hostels..Really praise God for what He has done that night!! Lets continue praying and having faith and expecting greater things from God this year..Thank you Jesus! AMEN! =D;

Yen Mei.


At first, what i think about joining campus alive is a waste of time as i’m here in INTEC only to study hard. But as soon as the programme started, i joined campus alive and suddenly i realised i gained pros than cons and my complexion about campus alive earlier is totally wrong! In campus alive, i learned myself being closer and closer to my creator and my father God. I learned a lot of things in here such as singing, dancing, having fun and somehow i learned myself to release stress in school by joining it too!

Campus Alive is surely something you don’t want to miss. From Campus Alive i made a lot of friends and sharing their thoughts and ideas as well as their backgrounds made me feel excited and interesting to learn about their origins and status in different states. I felt myself serving for God is something that really comforts me as i had joined the worshipping team as an electric guitarist and driver to fetch the students. These life-time experiences is one of a way to show our royalty and appreciation towards God and i felt happy in that way. I got the opportunity to have seen those great speakers in every gatherings and listen to their testimonial, speech and some involved politics under Christ. It is a honour to listen to their every advice and lessons. I felt really grateful for that.

Surely we dont want to miss Campus Alive, I Love it!

By Morgan.

September 15, 2009

The Week of Healing

Filed under: CA Updates — campusalive @ 10:55 pm

CA 17 sept 09

For those who want the proper sized picture, you can get it here.

Hey people! This week’s CA is gonna be awesome! Though we had one CA last week on Friday, do remember that we still have one this week! And it’s Thursday again. Hee.

We do encourage you to come as we believe that this week’s CA is going to just be an awesome time of being in God’s presence and allowing Him to reach deep inside our heart to heal all our wounds, even the ones we’ve suppressed for so long that we forgot about it.

It’s going to be a fantastic time of worshiping Him so I encourage you to bring all your friends along! :)

September 9, 2009

His Kingdom Come.

Filed under: CA Pictures,CA Reports — campusalive @ 9:09 am

Campus Alive on September 11th was indeed a ‘different’, firstly being held on a Friday evening (good timing, as the Ausmat seniors were taking a break halfway through their trials). Second was the fact that we had Hannah Yeoh as our speaker. For many students, it was indeed a valuable opportunity to meet and learn from this state representative. Transport was hard-pressed that night, with over 80 people attending.



After yet another awesome dinner (an economic stimulus for the hawker stalls downstairs indeed!), we were greeted in the Atmosphere by MCs, Steven and Rachel.


Then, it was fun time! Games was lead by the always enthusiastic Deb, who brought down the house with the “Do You Love Your Neighbour” game. Laughter was evident, especially when the last person running was caught, or when everyone fell into the ‘RUN’ category!




Worship was lead by co-leaders Sam and Nic, together with an all junior musician team (Jien Lee, Philip, Morgan and Howard) and backup singer Abi! Praise God for such talent in the junior batch. Being a musician myself, I commend the team for their unity and solid sound. They really ROCKED it for Jesus as songs like “All the Way” and “Beautiful Saviour” were sung and played, and God’s presence filled the place!


During the worship, Elsha felt compelled to share, and she went up after the offering to share of her life before coming to West Malaysia and how God had been faithful and good. Indeed, He chooses to speak and encourage others through ways, and in this case worship was one of the ways.


Then came the much awaited moment, the sharing! This was indeed, the juice of the night. Hannah came up, dressed in a ‘baju kurung’, a reflection (in my opinion) of her views about cultural acceptance. The first thing Hannah shared of was her college life story. She encouraged us to come back to serve in our country, and not leave just because it seemed “greener” on the other side. God had called her back to Malaysia, even against her plans; when she was refused a PR in Australia, even with a job! She shared of how she made it to the March 8 elections, and how it was all really God’s hand moving. For me, this was an amazing testimony of how God calls people to situations that they don’t expect to be in. All He needs is willing hearts and hands.


After that, Hannah showed us what she was doing in her constituency, the struggles and victories faced; that it was God who had seen her through a very tough past year, providing her strength. One significant question she asked was, “Do you know when the trash truck comes to handle your rubbish?” The only reply was a few chuckles, a sign that a lot of us in fact never really cared about the little things in our community. Later, Hannah challenged us to reach out to our society and change the little things that would help in their lives.

There were much more said that night, but to sum it all up, I and a lot of us saw that God is moving in Malaysia, that He works in ways unseen, that miracles are possible. We learnt that life was much more than just our own lives, that there are people out there who suffer, that justice and righteousness need to be brought into this land once again where it has been lost.



The sharing ended with a heart-warming rendition of our national anthem, with a slight change in perspective. If God were to speak these words, would we see our nation differently?

NegaraKu, tanah tumpahnya darahKu,
Rakyat hidup, bersatu dan maju,
Rahmat bahagia Tuhan kurniakan,
Raja kita selamat bertakhta

The words took a while to echo into my heart, “Jesus DIED for Malaysia and its people.”
What’s stopping us from loving our neighbours? What’s stopping us from making a difference?

That night, the refreshments were prepared by Chee Ann from the Korean program. As we enjoyed the food, many of us pondered our purpose and lives, with a renewed hope and perspective. It wasn’t just a good CA, it was one that challenged us deeply to continue living for God.


By Larry.

More feedback. :)


I love CA so much. I felt comfortable everytime i went there, especially the last week one.
There, I would forget all my troubles,I don’t know, may be God was guiding me.
I love the worship time most.

It was great when you saw people on stage trying their best to perform the best worship for God.
It was great when you saw people around you enjoying in the melodies although some of them are non-christians.

It was greater when you saw a non-christian trying to learn a church song and sing with us.
So, the thing that we all cannot deny is, Father Lord is always with us, Holy Spirit is always with us, Jesus Christ is always with us.

I was so touched, so excited at that time.
I was filled with joy, and I wanna share the joy with everyone.
I seldom pray when I worship. Normally I would only pray after worship, but…
I really longed to have a conversation with God at that time, so I prayed,
to thank Him, to ask for His grace so that we all can be encountered by Him.

Before I listened to the talk during last CA,
I hated politics very much. I think that it is dirty and what…selfish…
so I was never interested in politic talk, or a talk by a politician.
However, i don’t know why, I was so concentrate when she gave her talk, didnt feel boring at all.
yup, our countries development depends on us generation.
our countries will disrupt if we generation don’t put an effort.

and the words most influencing me is
“you are not a chinese, you are not a malay, you are not an Indian, you are not a Iban, you are not a whatever, you are a malaysian.”

Yes, All of us are Malaysians, all of us belong to Malaysia. Malaysia belongs to all of us.
so, we must unite. Sure, we must unite!!! for one Malaysia.

let’s make a better change for Malaysia.

Before that, let’s shout “I love Malaysia” for 3 times like what Tunku Abdul Rahman shouted “Merdeka” out for 3 times!!! LOL

By darling Lemon.


And last, but not least, dearest Sarah.

This is Sarah here =)

These two CAs (the Edward Ling and the Hannah Yeoh one) have been awesomely empowering. First of all, my heartfelt gratitude again to everybody who made the last CA a success (the cool drivers, amazing cooks, lovely worship team, terrific games master, wonderful projectionist, etc. ). After the praise and worship session, a super senior gave her touching testimony, about how she came to accept and fully understand the very reason God sent her to INTEC. I’d just like to thank all these super seniors, who actually made the effort to share their testimonies with us. These testimonies, I believe, have assured us that God reigns supreme, above all, and that in every happening, lies God’s purpose in our lives.

And now to the Hannah Yeoh part of CA =). On the whole, the message of the sharing was straight to the point and clear. I especially love the part when the national anthem was explained in English terms, in which it contains the words ‘King’, ‘Blood’, ‘Reign’, and ‘Land’ (my apologies if I got the translation wrong!). She also reminded us that we were born in Malaysia for a reason, and that we should not make rash decisions to leave the country before asking God.


I was encouraged by her story, about how she got involved in politics, when all odds seemed to be against her. Her sharing, I believe, have given us a fresh new perspective of politics in Malaysia, looking through the flaws of the system, as portrayed by the media, and has empowered us, youth, to be aware of the political situation in our country and to make a difference in the lives of Malaysians.

Thank God for the entire CA! Loved it =)



The awesome Jan says:

Twas’ a happy day.

Why? It was Friday. And Hannah Yeoh was here! Which meant CA was here. Or is it the other way around? Anyways, I learnt a lot and was really inspired by Hannah Yeoh. Her talk really opened up my eyes to the fact that we have a mission field right here, right where we are living now. I admire how brave she was to give up everything she had worked hard for, to give up her dreams and answer God’s calling for her to become a politician.

When Hannah first started her talk, she seemed tired and lethargic. Yet, her message was delivered so well despite her fatigue. She spoke very fluently, and even though she wasn’t a dynamic speaker, she connected with her listeners, pausing at moments to drive her point across and making us listen as attentively as we could.

It’s amazing how God works through people and how He speaks to us through His faithful servants. I believed many were inspired by her that night. Because God was, without a doubt, present that night.


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