Campus Alive

October 8, 2009

Campus Revolution!

Filed under: Challenge,Message,Objective,Please Note — campusalive @ 2:23 pm

How many of you know about Campus Revolution? It’s been a while since the CampusRevo prayer group has been going on in Ausmat Cafe at 1pm every Wednesday but I’m pretty sure that there are many of those who have been to CA, do not know about CampusRevo.

What exactly is CampusRevo? Why should we have a prayer meeting for it? What’s the point? These questions may be running through your mind even as you’re reading this, but have no fear! For Brother Dave Yeow from ACTs Church has provided us with an awesome sharing/message about CampusRevo and it’s an excellent read.

Without further ado, I present to you Campus Revolution!

Campus Revolution

Campus Revolution is a movement/mobilization of young people who desire to maximize their time in colleges and universities by making a stand for their faith and to bring about positive change (Revolution!) on their campuses. It is a coming together of like-minded and like-spirited individuals who believe that it’s “biblical to be radical”. It is not about students walking around and thumping their bibles on non-believers or being “mean street preachers”. Rather its about students being unashamed of the gospel and living a transparent life that showcases their faith for all to see.  It’s about young people bringing their friends to Christ, by making Christ’s love tangible on campus.

“How do we do this?”

Start “prayer Groups with a purpose”. Students coming together to pray on campus is neither something new, nor something outdated.

However, it is also very common for prayer groups to mushroom on campus and then wither out as assignments, exams, tutorials and other extra-curricular activity kicks in. Many times, this happens because there is a lack of focus, vision and purpose. We go about thinking that we pray because it’s the Christian thing to do. Unknowingly, we can end up praying about everything underneath the sky, thinking we’ve accomplished a lot but in actuality missing the mark God has set. It’s time to put purpose and targets back into our prayer.

This is what you do:

Step 1:   Strengthen Yourself in Prayer

Start the prayer group off by praying for everyone gathered. We all have needs (exams, personal walk, etc). So it is completely alright, in fact essential that you cover one another in prayer. This can usually be done by asking the group for personal prayer requests, followed by everyone praying for the person on their right (for example).

Step 2:   Have an Outward Looking Faith

After ‘Step 1′, get everyone to take the next five minutes praying for your unsaved classmates or course-mates. Because this is a campus prayer group, we need to target our prayers at our unsaved friends that God has placed us around with. Name them, pray for them and prophesy by faith for their salvation. Intercede for your campuses and ask God to open their spiritual eyes, spiritual ears and soften the hearts of your friends.

Step 3:   Faith + Action = Life.

Dare to do something radical! End the prayer time by getting everyone in your group to seek the Holy Spirit for the next five minutes on what HE wants you to do that week. It could be an act of kindness or even an evangelism opportunity. Ask God for specific instructions and then spend the next 5 minutes listening. After that, share with the entire group and encourage each other to get moving and doing what God has placed in their hearts!

In Campus Revolution we are guided by the principles of: Conviction, Courage, Commitment and Continuity.


-We are convinced that God’s word is true, and that we are a chosen generation, separated from a young age to preach the gospel and declare God’s love to the world.

-We are convinced that we are born for such a time as this. And that he has placed students in their respective campuses not by fluke, but for them to be the salt and light there.

-We are convinced that when we lift the name of Jesus up on campus, He will draw all men unto Him.


-We believe that conviction and courage go hand in hand. Conviction without action is a dead faith; and action cannot come without courage.

-We believe that if Christians are serious about taking “campus ground” for God, it is only logical that they need to be strong and courageous.

-We believe that Conviction + Courage = Passion. And it takes nothing short of true passion to win a lost generation.


-We believe that God is bigger than exams. And it’s time to make a stand that as exams draw near, students should draw closer to God. Not the other way around.

-We believe that Campus Revolution is something God has started. And what God has called us to do, we are committed to pay the price to see it come into fruition.

– We are committed to show up, stand up and speak up on our campuses, even if we are the only ones to do so, because God can save by many or few (even through one).


-We believe that if we are committed to live out our convictions courageously, we will finally say goodbye to a fluctuating Christian presence on campus and hello to revival.

-We believe that no tree bears fruit overnight. Therefore, we are in this for the long run. If we only have one month left on campus, we will shine for God; if we have 5 years left on campus, we will still shine for God. However long it takes, we will give our all to build the wall.

-We believe in passing on good legacies to the younger generation and the raising of new leaders to fight the good fight and continue the revolution.

I hope that even as you read this, I do hope that you will be encouraged. :) Let’s gear up for a revival in INTEC!

P/S: If you would like to receive the Campus Revolution Mail, with testimonies of how CampusRevo has changed lives in colleges all around Subang Jaya and even to Penang, give the admin a buzz through e-mail, Facebook or even sms. :D

May 13, 2007

Welcome to Campus Alive Blog

Filed under: Objective — campusalive @ 2:14 pm
With technology fast-pacing our world, Pat and I decided that we had to catch up as well. After a few hours of thinking (and perhaps asking God), we finally decided to establish this blog. It is named Campus Alive for obvious reasons. It took us two days to get the banners, page elements, and other miscellaneous aspects of the blog done before we start spreading the words around.

So, you might be wondering, what does this blog function as?

1. This blog will act as a place where CA reports come in and everyone has a chance to view at it. For example, if there was a CA service last week, someone (anyone) can just email me the report that he(or she) wanted to give, and I will post it in the blog. That way, others can recall the message that Pastor preached easily, or if they missed the CA service, they could just read the blog to get a glimpse of what the previous CA was all about. Some complimentary pictures can also be placed in the blog to enhance the post.

2. This blog will also be a primary tool to connect all the previous CA members, the current CA members, and the future CA members. The previous CA members can get themselves updated with the latest happenings in INTEC and CA equally, the present CA members can comment and recall the events that had happen in INTEC and CA, while the future CA members can view CA’s activities and get to know more about CA.

3. Besides, this blog will also be a place where all the future juniors in INTEC learns about INTEC. There will be posts on food in INTEC, accommodations in INTEC, programs in INTEC, transport in INTEC, and so much more. Anyone who can contribute to providing this informations are welcomed to email me. I will be more than happy to post them up for you. By doing so, this blog will not only act as a Christian blog, but it will also be relevant to everyone in INTEC. Prospective INTEC students can easily observe the curriculum in INTEC, tips to apply to universities, numbers of cafes in INTEC, and so on and so forth.

4. This blog also functions as a place where you get the latest updates on CA. If you have an internet connection and you want to know if there is CA next week, here’s the place to get yourself updated with the latest happenings in Campus Alive. There is a small column of “updates” on the left side of the blog where you can view the latest updates and perhaps, announcements in CA. Well, if you need any prayer requests, we will update your requests too. That way, everyone can pray with you and for you.

5. Equally important, this place can also be the place where you just hang out with your fellow CA friends, read some useful (or wacky) posts, posts a few comments, and to kill time.

6. This blog will also be a channel to spread God’s words. If you are an author who likes to write sermons(or testimonies), feel free to contact me as well. Testimonies is always one of the best things to be shared to others, and in Campus Alive, we welcome all testimonies. Sermons or words of wisdom are mostly encouraged as well.

There are just some of the functions that this blog will play for now. Of course, as it expands, we might have more functions and additional things added to the blog. For now, just enjoy this blog and have fun.

God bless and have a nice day.

In His service,

Blog at